The House on 159 Cedar Hill – A Free Halloween Story by Rob Cely

The twists and turns this week. It’s like we should name this round of Free Short stories “The M. Night Shyamalan Collection.” Today’s twists and turns are brought to you by Rob Cely with his latest, The House on 159 Cedar Hill, and it’s a great one.

Thanks for visiting. We’ve got a bunch of stories coming out for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Check out some of the other authors in our tribe. Joseph CourtemancheJamie GreeningKathy KexelDerek ElkinsRob Cely, and Dr. Paul J Bennett.

If you like our stories, check out or COVID-19 themed short story collection, THE COVID QUARANTINE CANTINA, available now in Kindle and Print and soon in Audio.

The Covid Quarantine Cantina

The quarantines were tough. Still are for some folks. Our lives have all changed because of them. Despite all this difficulty, we can all be sure there is one, universal thing that helps us get through in tough times like these.


But beyond that: Stories.

Sharing our stories of success, of failure, of fears, of hopes, and all manner of strange and comfortable things is what binds us together in difficult, dark, and disparate times. A few of us got together back in the beginning and started sharing some of our stories. Fiction, yes, but there are kernels of truth in all of the stories. We published them for free – just as we continue to publish free stories even today.

We gathered our COVID stories together into a book where you, Dear Reader, can share in our stories, see how naive we were in the beginning, how our moods changed throughout, and how we’ve come to some semblance of hope (or, in my case, a happy-go-lucky Nihilism!) as time passes.

It’s called “The Covid Quarantine Cantina,” and it’s available in Kindle, eBook, and (sooon) Audio (we hired Santa Claus to do the stories. Because that just makes sense). Check it out here. Buy a few copies for your friends. Buy some of the print copies so that, later, when your grandkids ask what the Covid Quarantines were like, you point at this collection of stories and say, “I don’t know, but these people are weird. Don’t end up like these folks. Whatever you do.”

And, if you are so inclined, please share YOUR stories with US. The Quarantine Cantina is open to everyone.


The Visitation – A Free Halloween Short Story by Paul Bennett

Halloween is full of stories, from the big city mega action thrillers to the small, pensive ruminations from small towns across the country. Today, Paul Bennett brings us a little of both with his Halloween Short Story: The Visitation.

Thanks for visiting. We’ve got a bunch of stories coming out for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Today’s is the second of the Halloween bunch. Check out some of the other authors in our tribe. Joseph CourtemancheJamie GreeningKathy KexelDerek ElkinsRob Cely, and Dr. Paul J Bennett.

If you like our stories, check out or COVID-19 themed short story collection, THE COVID QUARANTINE CANTINA, available now in Kindle and Print and soon in Audio.

Little Ambassadors – A Free Halloween Short Story from Joseph Courtemanche

Sometimes Joe Courtemanche writes a straightforward story, and sometimes he adds a few twists and turns. But sometimes, he comes way out of left field. I’ll leave it to you, Dear Reader, to determine which is the case on this one.

Check out Little Ambassadors, by Joseph Courtemanche.

Thanks for visiting. We’ve got a bunch of stories coming out for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Today’s is the second of the Halloween bunch. Check out some of the other authors in our tribe. Joseph CourtemancheJamie GreeningKathy KexelDerek ElkinsRob Cely, and Dr. Paul J Bennett.

And keep your eyes peeled at THIS SPACE for an announcement about our new book coming SOON.

Leadership, A Parable

There once was a man, a leader of a small team, who was well-loved by the people he worked with, well-respected by the teams he interacted with, and who always strove to improve the lives of everyone around him

The Manager grew envious of this leader. He was jealous of the successes he experienced. He was jealous of the respect he had. He was jealous of the leader turned even failures into opportunity for growth. He wants to fire the Leader, but he can’t. The Leader is too well-loved by the people in the company.

So The Manager devised a plot.

The Manager goes to The Leader and he says, “For One Million Dollars, will you tell everyone in the company you are a hypocrite and a fraud? I’ll put you on every screen in the company. On the intranet, on people’s laptops, on e-mails. Everyone will see it and everyone will hear you say you are a hypocrite and a fraud. For One Million Dollars.”

The Leader thinks about it and then he says, “Okay, but under three conditions.”

The Manager says, “What?”

“First,” The Leader says, “I want you to stop mistreating the people in the company. I want you to respect their lives, respect their ideas, respect their passions and their ability to make this a truly great place to work.”

“Sure thing,” the Manager says.

“Second,” The Leader says. “I want you to leave the teams alone to do their jobs. No more micro-managing. No more undermining people with politics and playing favorites. No more pet projects. Just leave the teams alone and watch them succeed.”

“Okay,” the Manager said. “No problem. … And the third?”

“Well,” the Leader said, “A Million dollars is a lot, but if you give me two months, I can probably pull in some favors to get the money for you.”

The Leader paused, then continued: “You promise to put me on EVERY screen in the company, right?”

1313 – A Free Halloween Short Story from Kathy Kexel

The Free Flash Fiction Halloween Spectacular continues unabated with a story from Kathy Kexel. Now, long time readers of the Fondue Writers club will know that Kathy isn’t exactly known for her spookiness and scare-i-tude. As fellow author, Jamie Greening, notes:

Creepy doesn’t come natural to Kathy Kexel the way it does to the rest of us in the little writer’s collaboration. She’s the Marsha Brady of the Fondue Writers Club. She is sweet, gentle, and innocent. Kind of the opposite of Joe Shaw.

But Kathy comes through in fine form with a creepy and always visually stunning short story called “1313.” Check it out for yourself.

Thanks for visiting. We’ve got a bunch of stories coming out for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Today’s is the second of the Halloween bunch. Check out some of the other authors in our tribe. Joseph CourtemancheJamie GreeningKathy KexelDerek ElkinsRob Cely, and Dr. Paul J Bennett.

And keep your eyes peeled at THIS SPACE for an announcement about our new book coming SOON.

See y’all again on Monday. Don’t Break Anything.

Rest In Peace – A Free Short Story by Derek Alan Elkins

The Free Flash Fiction Machine returns from the dead with a wonderful short story by Mr. Elkins about what happens when a loved one is not properly laid to rest. Click on the grave below or visit Derek’s site to check it out

Thanks for visiting. We’ve got a bunch of stories coming out for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Today’s is the first of the Halloween bunch. Check out some of the other authors in our tribe. Joseph CourtemancheJamie GreeningKathy KexelDerek ElkinsRob Cely, and Dr. Paul J Bennett.

Come back tomorrow for yet another Halloween story.

Evergreen – A Free Short Story by Dr Paul Bennett

We’ve been writing stories pretty much non-stop since March. First it was the Covid Chronicles, then it was Free Fiction Wednesday. We’re going to take a bit of a break and come back at ya at the end of October with some stories about Halloween.

The last Free Fiction Wednesday story (for now) is from Dr Paul Bennet. It’s called Evergreen and it’s a great bookend to this series. Check out the trees below to read his story.

Thanks for taking the time to read this story. Join us again next week for a new release from the Free Fiction Wednesday Club, where one of our award-winning authors will sneak into your brain and extract the things that move you, scare you, excite you, and make you feel love and other emotions (my favorite emotion: hunger).

While you wait, please check out some of the other authors in our tribe. Joseph CourtemancheJamie GreeningKathy KexelDerek ElkinsRob Cely, and Dr. Paul J Bennett. Most of us have some sort of books and other things for sale. We’d appreciate your support if you’re willing.

Glory of the Outcast – A Free Short Story by Rob Cely

Rob is the King of Metaphors. I ain’t lyin’, neither. Check out his resume sometime. He’s got “King of Metaphors” right there on the first page, just underneath “World Class Author” and right after “WalMart Greeter,” because everyone successful in life has been a WalMart Greeter at one point or another, right?


This week, Rob Brings us the Free Fiction with a short story about what it means to be free on a society that doesn’t want you to be. And also: living in the woods and wearing flannel (I think). Check out “Glory of the Outcast” by clicking on the woodsy image below.

Thanks for taking the time to read this story. Join us again next week for a new release from the Free Fiction Wednesday Club, where one of our award-winning authors will sneak into your brain and extract the things that move you, scare you, excite you, and make you feel love and other emotions (my favorite emotion: hunger).

While you wait, please check out some of the other authors in our tribe. Joseph CourtemancheJamie GreeningKathy KexelDerek ElkinsRob Cely, and Dr. Paul J Bennett. Most of us have some sort of books and other things for sale. We’d appreciate your support if you’re willing.

This Island Purpose – A Free Short Story by Derek Elkins

Derek always takes an interesting approach to things. Sometimes, it’s a weinermobile, other times its a serial killing orderly. Today, however, Derek looks at the search for meaning. While lost on an Island. In the middle of the ocean. It’s a great read with a great message. Check out “This Island Purchase” by clicking on the Lost image below.

Thanks for taking the time to read this story. Join us again next week for a new release from the Free Fiction Wednesday Club, where one of our award-winning authors will sneak into your brain and extract the things that move you, scare you, excite you, and make you feel love and other emotions (my favorite emotion: hunger).

While you wait, please check out some of the other authors in our tribe. Joseph CourtemancheJamie GreeningKathy KexelDerek ElkinsRob Cely, and Dr. Paul J Bennett. Most of us have some sort of books and other things for sale. We’d appreciate your support if you’re willing.