I originally intended to share a quasi-embarrassing story about a time, back in high school, when I went to a prom or a homecomming dance with a girl-who-was-maybe-a-girlfriend-but-we-never-had-a-conversation-about-it-so-who-knows-yknow-what-I-Mean. And I had a few to choose from because, as it turns out, one of the things in life I am good at is wandering into situations that will make for good stories a few years down the line.
Unfortunately, I believe I’m friends on Facebook with most of the women who lucked out into having to go to a high school dance with me instead of someone cool, and I’m quite certain they would call me on my b.s. Which means I’d have to be honest about the stories. And what kind of fun is that?
So here’s a sweet story about young people in love from a new entry into our fun band of misfits. Dr Paul Bennett (an actual doctor, as opposed to Doctor Joe Courtemanche, who is a Doctor of Transcendental Epistemology, which is a thing I did not just totally make up) spends his days fighting the Covid-19 virus and saving people’s lives. At night, he writes stuff like this.
I bet all those girls-who-were-maybe-a-girlfriend-but-we-never-had-a-conversation-about-it-so-who-knows-yknow-what-I-Mean would have preferred to be with someone like HIM way back when.
I know I would have if I were in their shoes.
Click on the young couple below to read “A Song in October.”