Lockdown – A Free Story by Rob Cely

With the quarantines going on, I’m sure most of us have begun to experience some, shall we say, adverse reactions to isolation. The Introverts might be okay, but the rest of us extroverts are going a little nutty.

More nutty than normal, anyway.

But what would happen if we faced extreme isolation for an extended period of time? How would it affect our health? Our relationships? Our minds?

Rob Cely explores this theme in today’s short story, Lockdown. Click on the face below to check it out.

Our band of merry misfits is rounded out with Joseph Courtemanche, Jamie Greening, Kathy Kexel, Derek Elkins, Rob Cely, and Dr Paul Bennett. But, just because we’re well-rounded NOW doesn’t mean we’re stopping here. There are plenty of other geometric shapes to try out. Watch THIS SPACE for future additions, subtractions, multiplications, and maybe even some differential equations to your Fantabulous Free Fiction Explode-A-Ganza.

I’m on Deck tomorrow with part 4 of my serialized short story: Two More. I don’t know about you, but I, for one, am excited to find out how it ends.

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