The Fondue Writer’s Club and Bar& Grille and Laundromat is back, this time with some Christmas stories to salve the soul.
Batting leadoff is Derek Alan Elkins, who writes the kind of stories high school kids would read under their desks in English class while the teacher was trying to get everyone excited about Shakespeare or John (bleeping) Steinbeck or something.
Today’s story is a cross between the traditional Christmas tale and the Ultimate Christmas movie: Die-Hard. Check out Krampus vs Santa: Dawn of Righteousness. Yipee Ki-Yay!

While you’re at it, why not check out our new book of short stories. It’s called THE COVID QUARANTINE CANTINA, and it’s available in Paperback, Kindle, or Audiobook. Check out more of Derek’s work at his website:
Thanks for checking out our stories. We have some Halloween and Thanksgiving stories as well, if you’re interested. Jamie D Greening will be with us tomorrow for another Christmas story. See you then. As always … Have fun, Stay healthy, and please don’t break anything.