The Spinster Squad vs Cupid: A Valentine’s Day Massacre – Kathy Kexel

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fondue Writer’s Club is back with a brand-new set of piping hot stories, this time in celebration of Valentine’s Day.

It’s strange to see the weirdness and degeneracy of one group of people rub off onto another. In this case, the moral degradation of the lunatic fringe of the Fondue Writer’s Club And Bar And Grille And Laundromat has, at least at first glance, given the title, rubbed off onto sweet, innocent Kathy Kexel.

What else are we to suppose, with her using words like “Massacre” right there in the title?

But if you look a little closer, the prevailing theme is something more akin to mischievousness than malevolence. And if that be the case, we can all breathe a sigh of relief.

Check out the new story from Kathy Kexel.

If you fell in love with this one, why not give some of the other authors a chance as well. Check out the sites for ALL of the Fondue Writers: Joseph CourtemancheJamie D. GreeningKathy KexelDerek Alan ElkinsRob Cely, and Dr. Paul Bennet. If you like what you see, why not pick up a few copies of their books? It covers the cost of everything, and it gives us hope in those long, dark nights when we’re dreaming up new stories, that Christmas miracles really do come true.

You might also consider our first collection of short stories, The Covid Quarantine Catina, written during the first months of the Covid-19 lockdowns. It’s available in Kindle, Paperback, and Audio formats.

Jamie Greening will be back with another VD story tomorrow. Until then, remember to clean up after yourselves, spay and neuter your pets, and always always always try not to break anything.

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