Nema What? – A Free Short Story from Joseph Courtemanche

I’ve been using a bit of hyperbole in describing the COVID Flash Fiction we’ve been doing. And one of the major terms I’ve used is Explode-A-Ganza. Today, Joe Courtemanche takes the term Explode-A-Ganza to a whole new level with his story, “Nema What?” Click on the image below to experience a treat for your senses.

We might just be on the back nine of this pandemic. As it turns out, the same might be true for this Free Flash Fiction Experiment as well. If you’re not caught up with all of the Covid Chronicles, worry not! Scroll on down the page for the latest and greatest from all our Quarantined-and-slowly-going-more-insane-than-they-already-were authors. While you’re at it, check out pages for Joseph CourtemancheJamie GreeningKathy KexelDerek ElkinsRob Cely, and Dr. Paul J Bennett . There is a strong, non-zero chance you will come away happy.

An Acre of Peace Part 1 – by Paul Bennett

A brand new story from Dr Paul Bennett. This one’s about reclaiming something that was lost, and bringing peace to a chaotic situation. Click on the pines to read the story.

If you’re not caught up with all of the Covid Chronicles, worry not! Scroll on down the page for the latest and greatest from all our Quarantined-and-slowly-going-more-insane-than-they-already-were. While you’re at it, check out pages for Joseph CourtemancheJamie GreeningKathy KexelDerek ElkinsRob Cely, and Dr. Paul J Bennett . There is a strong, non-zero chance you will come away happy.

Them Old Pandemic Apocalypse Blues – A Free Story from Derek Elkins

Today’s story has an apocalyptic Oscar Meyer Wienermobile. That is all you need to know. Click on the wienermobile to read “Them Old Pandemic Apocalyptic Blues” by Derek Elkins.

If you’re not caught up with all of the Covid Chronicles, worry not! Scroll on down the page for the latest and greatest from all our Quarantined-and-slowly-going-more-insane-than-they-already-were. While you’re at it, check out pages for Joseph CourtemancheJamie GreeningKathy KexelDerek ElkinsRob Cely, and Dr. Paul J Bennett . There is a strong, non-zero chance you will come away happy.

The Scarlet Queen – A Free Story by Rob Cely

They said we would have a new normal. That all of this would eventually seem like just THE WAY THINGS WERE MEANT TO BE. And, to an extent, they were right. Staying locked in your home, staring at the outside world through half-closed blinds and a head full of suspicion. That is our new normal.

But what if things change? What if we get a NEW new normal and we start interacting again, as if some central authority has commanded us to once again spread both our love and our germs to the people around us? What then?

Rob Cely explores these ideas in today’s Covid Chronicles short story, The Scarlet Queen. Click on the Scarlet Queen below to read Rob’s story.

If you’re not caught up with all of the Covid Chronicles, worry not! Scroll on down the page for the latest and greatest from all our Quarantined-and-slowly-going-more-insane-than-they-already-were. While you’re at it, check out pages for Joseph CourtemancheJamie GreeningKathy KexelDerek ElkinsRob Cely, and Dr. Paul J Bennett . There is a strong, non-zero chance you will come away happy.

Let’s Do It – A Free Short Story By Jamie Greening

Jamie Greening leads off the week with a short story about Love in the time of Corona. Check out his new short story, “Let’s Do It” by clicking on the hands below.

I can’t believe we’re already in WEEK SIX of the Free Flash Fiction Explode-A-Ganza. Can you? For reals. This thing just KEEPS. ON. GOING. We’re glad you’ve stuck with us this far. Here’s hoping we all make it to the end with our lives and our jobs fully intact.

While you’re at it, check out pages for Joseph CourtemancheJamie GreeningKathy KexelDerek ElkinsRob Cely, and Dr. Paul J Bennett for other fine stories and fiction-esque accoutrements.