Let’s Do It – A Free Short Story By Jamie Greening

Jamie Greening leads off the week with a short story about Love in the time of Corona. Check out his new short story, “Let’s Do It” by clicking on the hands below.

I can’t believe we’re already in WEEK SIX of the Free Flash Fiction Explode-A-Ganza. Can you? For reals. This thing just KEEPS. ON. GOING. We’re glad you’ve stuck with us this far. Here’s hoping we all make it to the end with our lives and our jobs fully intact.

While you’re at it, check out pages for Joseph CourtemancheJamie GreeningKathy KexelDerek ElkinsRob Cely, and Dr. Paul J Bennett for other fine stories and fiction-esque accoutrements.

Histoire gratuite pour votre plaisir et votre plaisir. “The Package” de Jamie Greening

If you have followed past instructions – as I am sure you have, Gentle Reader – you will have, by now, encountered The Butch Gregory series by Jamie Greening. You will also have become acquainted with the character of Wyoming Wallace, and his penchant for solving problems with violence and sarcasm.

Exactly the kind of Project Management and Negotiation skills I can get behind!

So, when you read today’s Flash Fiction from Jamie Greening, you will know all references to previously published material therein, and will take JOY in revisiting a previously loved character and his exploits bringing a very important package to someone in need. Click on the elevator below and enjoy!

IF you have no idea what I’m taking about, Go to Jamie’s page, so you can read up on the Butch Gregory series, and get the full extent of excitement and nostalgia from Jamie’s new story, “The Package.”

Hold Up. Wait a Minute. Let us get some JAMIE in it.

It’s been an extremely long day here in Shawville, but I finally made it here to share today’s story from Jamie Greening. Jamie’s been working on some science-fiction short stories recently, and he’s knocking it out of the park.

Which is nice, because there’s no baseball going on at the moment. I’m just glad SOMEONE is knocking it out of the park.

Take a moment and check out Jamie’s latest FREE FREE TOTALLY ABSOLUTELY FREE WITH NO STRINGS ATTACHED short story, Academia.

FREE SHORT STORY TIME… Jamie Greening Brings you “The Last Message”

Good News, Everyone! Not only is the cavalcade of short stories moving forward, it’s expanding! We’re inviting several authors from our publisher, Athanatos Publishing (an ironic title, given that I killed everyone in my last story) to join us in the Covid Quarantine Chronicles. You should have more stories thrown directly at your face starting as soon as NEXT WEEK!

Lucky you!

Speaking of your luck, today, you have another story from the estimable Jamie Greening. He’s got a doozy of a story about loss and remembrance with his short story: “The Last Message.” Click on the cell phone to read it (FOR FREE!), then head over to Jamie’s Amazon page and buy a book if you’re willing.

Patient Zero by Jamie Greening

Hey there folks. How’s your COVID Quarantine going? Well, I hope. And, if not well, here’s hoping you at least haven’t had to go shopping for two week’s worth of liquor for the third time this week like I have.

Yesterday, we brought you a fresh, new, ABBA-inspired story of Coronapocalypse -fueled mental desperation from the man, the myth, the mentally desperate legend: Joseph Courtemanche. Did you like it? Let me know in the comments.

Taking a cue from “the Sound of Music” by going all the way back to the beginning (a very good place to start), today we delve into the possibilities of how this whole thing started with a brand new piece of flash fiction from the warped mind of Jamie D. Greening. Hot off the presses. Check out “Patient Zero”

I’ll be back tomorrow with yet another short story from YoursTruly to salve the soul and frighten the senses.