Dark Transit – By Michael DiMercurio

One of the great things about pursuing interests outside your “day job,” is that, beyond just building alt income streams, you get to meet all sorts of interesting people. Because I’ve been writing with the Fondue Writers for the last few years, and because Jamie Greening, Joseph Courtemanche, and I have been working on a few other projects, I got to meet Michael DiMercurio.

I’m going to say this wrong, because I never served, but DiMercurio is a graduate of the US Naval Academy and M.I.T. He served aboard nuclear submarines, saving the world from Communism and doing all sorts of things he can never speak about because of national security issues. He was an instructor at Annapolis and has, since the early ’90s, been a celebrated author of submarine fiction.

“Like Tom Clancy?” you might ask.

Yes, but good and factually accurate.

DiMercurio has written another book: his first in fifteen years. It’s called “Dark Transit,” and I had the pleasure to both read an early copy and listen to the audio narration from fellow Fondue writer, Joseph Courtemanche.

If you like military fiction, if you’re a fan of page-turners, I highly suggest checking out Dark Transit, which is available for pre-order in Kindle, paperback, and audiobook right now. DiMercurio is an amazing author. And this is just part 1 in his Anthony “Patch” Pacino series. I can’t wait to read the rest.


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