Let the Day Perish – A Free Short Story by Derek Elkins

Derek Elkins brings us a psychological story today for the Covid Chronicles. He explores some of the side issues associated with the pandemic. Collateral Damage, if you will. There are many open-ended questions here. Check out Let the Day Perish.

If you’re not caught up with all of the Covid Chronicles, worry not! Scroll on down the page for the latest and greatest from all our Quarantined-and-slowly-going-more-insane-than-they-already-were authors. While you’re at it, check out pages for Joseph CourtemancheJamie GreeningKathy KexelDerek ElkinsRob Cely, and Dr. Paul J Bennett . There is a strong, non-zero chance you will come away happy.

In Memoriam – A Free Short Story by Rob Cely

Our next Covid Chronicles story is from Rob Cely. It’d s look at how things might change and how some things might stay the same as we move forward through all of this New Normal. Check out In Memoriam.

If you’re not caught up with all of the Covid Chronicles, worry not! Scroll on down the page for the latest and greatest from all our Quarantined-and-slowly-going-more-insane-than-they-already-were authors. While you’re at it, check out pages for Joseph CourtemancheJamie GreeningKathy KexelDerek ElkinsRob Cely, and Dr. Paul J Bennett . There is a strong, non-zero chance you will come away happy.

And welcome to all the Morons visiting us from Ace of Spades. Great to see you!

Annabelle – by Kathy Kexel

Kathy starts off Week 7 of the Covid Chronicles Free Fiction Explode-A-Ganza. Check out her story, Annabelle.

We might just be on the back nine of this pandemic. As it turns out, the same might be true for this Free Flash Fiction Experiment as well. If you’re not caught up with all of the Covid Chronicles, worry not! Scroll on down the page for the latest and greatest from all our Quarantined-and-slowly-going-more-insane-than-they-already-were authors. While you’re at it, check out pages for Joseph CourtemancheJamie GreeningKathy KexelDerek ElkinsRob Cely, and Dr. Paul J Bennett . There is a strong, non-zero chance you will come away happy.

And welcome to all the Morons visiting us from Ace of Spades. Great to see you!

Nema What? – A Free Short Story from Joseph Courtemanche

I’ve been using a bit of hyperbole in describing the COVID Flash Fiction we’ve been doing. And one of the major terms I’ve used is Explode-A-Ganza. Today, Joe Courtemanche takes the term Explode-A-Ganza to a whole new level with his story, “Nema What?” Click on the image below to experience a treat for your senses.

We might just be on the back nine of this pandemic. As it turns out, the same might be true for this Free Flash Fiction Experiment as well. If you’re not caught up with all of the Covid Chronicles, worry not! Scroll on down the page for the latest and greatest from all our Quarantined-and-slowly-going-more-insane-than-they-already-were authors. While you’re at it, check out pages for Joseph CourtemancheJamie GreeningKathy KexelDerek ElkinsRob Cely, and Dr. Paul J Bennett . There is a strong, non-zero chance you will come away happy.

An Acre of Peace Part 1 – by Paul Bennett

A brand new story from Dr Paul Bennett. This one’s about reclaiming something that was lost, and bringing peace to a chaotic situation. Click on the pines to read the story.

If you’re not caught up with all of the Covid Chronicles, worry not! Scroll on down the page for the latest and greatest from all our Quarantined-and-slowly-going-more-insane-than-they-already-were. While you’re at it, check out pages for Joseph CourtemancheJamie GreeningKathy KexelDerek ElkinsRob Cely, and Dr. Paul J Bennett . There is a strong, non-zero chance you will come away happy.

Them Old Pandemic Apocalypse Blues – A Free Story from Derek Elkins

Today’s story has an apocalyptic Oscar Meyer Wienermobile. That is all you need to know. Click on the wienermobile to read “Them Old Pandemic Apocalyptic Blues” by Derek Elkins.

If you’re not caught up with all of the Covid Chronicles, worry not! Scroll on down the page for the latest and greatest from all our Quarantined-and-slowly-going-more-insane-than-they-already-were. While you’re at it, check out pages for Joseph CourtemancheJamie GreeningKathy KexelDerek ElkinsRob Cely, and Dr. Paul J Bennett . There is a strong, non-zero chance you will come away happy.

Desperate Measures – A FREE FREE FREE FREE FREEFREE Story by Kathy Kexel

Week three … yeah, let’s call it week three. I have no idea what week we’re on. I don’t even know what day it is anymore. I just know that time passes, the kids scream at me, and I keep on keepin’ on … comes to a close for the #CovidPocalypse, and Kathy Kexel brings us to a close with her short story, Desperate Measures: an uplifting story of joy and hope and the strength of humanity to overcome.

By which I mean it is not any of those things. But it’s still a very good story. Click on the thief below to check it out.

Robert CelyDerek Elkins, Jamie D. Greening, Kathy Kexel, and Joseph Courtemanche are all part of this magical Covid Quarantine Experience. You can’t get rid of me no matter how hard you try. Dr. Paul Bennett joins us Monday as we continue down the path of insanity and creativity. Here’s hoping we all see a light at the end of the tunnel soon. See you on the flip.

Side Effects – an ABSOLUTELY FREE story from Kathy Kexel

Happy Friday, everyone. Happy GOOD Friday.

Kathy Kexel comes today with a brand new, table turning story about COVID-19 and those most vulnerable. It’s called “Side Effects” and it’s a great read. Give it a shot by clicking on ZZ TOP’s beards below.

That’s three weeks of #CovidCaptivity stories in the books. How’re y’all liking it?

Our original plan was for fantabulous author, Rob Cely, to join the crew tomorrow. However, since Saturdays are difficult for readership (and since it’s the day between Good Friday and Easter … and Rob is a pastor), we decided to slot him to Monday.

#JoPrime (aka Joe Courtemanche) will jump in with a story on Sunday, then Rob on Monday, Jamie Greening on Tuesday, Derek Elkins Wednesday, YoursTruly (aka #OtherJoe) on Thursday, and Kathy Kexel batting cleanup again (as she does so well) next Friday.

FREE STORY – The Effectives by Kathy Kexel

The Cavalcade of Covid Quarantine short stories continues!

On Tuesday, Joseph Courtemanche brought us Lavinia Did It. On Tuesday, Jamie Greening gave us The Last Message. Yesterday, I started off a serial short story with Two More (part 1).

Today, Kathy Kexel closes out our second week with her post-apocalyptic-ish story about a burgeoning underground movement rising in the wake of the Covid Crisis. Check out her new short story, “The Effectives” by clicking on the donation bag below.

History – A Free Short Story by Kathy Kexel

The first week of the the comes to a close. Joseph Courtemanche shared his funny story, That’s the Name of the Game (read it) on Tuesday. Jamie Greening explored the beginnings of the crisis with his story, Patient Zero (read it). I shared my first offering, Bark, yesterday (read it).

Today, we have our last short story for the week. It’s from a late addition to the group, Kathy Kexel. Check out her story, History, here.

We look forward to seeing you next week!