A Night Out – A FREE FREE FREE Short Story by Derek Elkins

Rejoice, Friends! Week three of the Free Free Free Abosulutely Free Covid Chronicles Shorty Story Explode-A-Ganza is upon us! All of these stories are free to you with absolutely no obligation to purchase anything, sign up for a mailing list, or jump through a number of annoying hoops.

Just some fun fiction for your face. How d’you like that?

We’ve got an entirely new lineup for you, your faces, and you this week.

Going back to front, we’ve got Rob Cely, author of Beyond the Steel Wall and many other books on Saturday; Kathy Kexel, who’s just getting started and who’s stories have thus far intrigued and made us cry, goes Thursday; Joe Shaw (aka “me”) author of the aggressively mediocre play, Light and Song, as well as a recent TEDx Speaker, is Thursday; Jamie Greening, author of The Butch Gregory series and other stories, goes Wednesday; and “Doctor” Joe Courtemanche, author of Nicholas of Haiti and Assault on St Agnes, hits you on Tuesday.

But, today, we start it off strong with newcomer, Derek Elkins. Like most of the rest of us, Derek writes for Athanatos Publishing (as well as himself). He’s the author of the book Life Unworthy of Life as well as many other books and stories.

Today, Derek brings you a new short story about a Romantic Dinner, Interrupted, with his story “A Night Out.” Click on the happy couple to read more.